UFO Sightings in New South Wales

001 25 Jul 1868 Parramatta NSW CE4 Night Birmingham

A surveyor experienced a vision involving heads floating by him, and subsequently observed an "ark" moving along the same path and landing in Parramatta Park, Sydney. A voice spoke to him and asked if he wished to enter the ark. He replied that he would and was "floated" to the object. A "spirit" appeared like a "neutral tint shade and the shape of a man in his usual frock dress." He was shown around the ark after which the spirit disappeared.

002 1893 Central NSW CE3

A farmer claimed that a saucer shaped object landed in one of his paddocks. As the farmer approached the object, a man in strange clothing emerged from it. The farmer walked towards the man, who shone some kind of 'torch' at him, throwing him to the ground and stunning him. When he came to, the man and the object had gone. The hand where the "torch beam" had hit him was paralysed for life. ( 1. UFO Investigation Centre-Sydney (UFOIC). 2. "Australian" 14-16 May 1969.)

003 1919 Central NSW CE3

Whilst travelling down a country road, a man came across an artefact resting near the roadside. He saw that a "man" was apparently working on it, and went over to offer assistance. The stranger turned as if surprised and pointed something at the witness, who was knocked senseless. When he came to, the object and the man had gone. Subsequently, he found that his memory was never the same again. (Bulletin of the Australian Co-Ordination Section for the Center for UFO Studies (ACOSB). No 9. p11.)

005 1927 Fernvale NSW BS (Nr Murwillumbah)

Two boys observed a large, brightly lit object pass over, turn slightly, apparently following the contours of the valley, and come to rest on a hill. Neighbours also witnessed the landing. The object glowed for some time on the ground. Eventually there was darkness. With daylight investigations by the boys and the neighbours confirmed the presence of a complete circle of "scorched grass," about 9.15m in diameter. The site was apparent as a brown area amongst the green grass. (Personal investigation by Bill Chalker. See his accounts in "The Terror Down Under", FATE, Sept 1988 and pp 337-338 in "UFOs in Australia and New Zealand through 1959," in The UFO Encyclopedia, Vol.2, "The Emergence of a Phenomenon: UFOs from the beginning through 1959" by Jerome Clark (1992.)

008 10 Oct 1935 Newcastle NSW Photo 2200hrs

Mr P Terry was out fishing when he saw a mushroom shaped object hovering some distance away. He used a Kodak Brownie Box camera to take a snapshot. After 10 minutes the object left at speed. The photo showed a circular object. (UFOIC Newsletter No 21, Dec 1968.)

012 Ca 1950 Bostobrick NSW DR (30:16, 152:37)

A 'fairy ring' 6-7.5m across appeared on a small hill east of Bostobrick at the time of UFO sightings in the area. The grass was dead inside the circle even though the field had been ploughed many times since. The ring was still visible in 1974. (Bill Chalker.)

015 Ca. Jul 1952 Near Sydney NSW NL 2300hrs

Captain Bob Jackson of ANA, with more than 8000 flying hours, was flying near Worinora Dam when he suddenly saw a flash of light. He watched an object with an orange tail flash past towards the coast. Air Traffic Control did not have any radar contact with the object. About two minutes later the object re-appeared, circled the aircraft, then vanished towards the coast. (Melbourne "Sun" Newspaper Jan 5 1954.)

017 1953 Wilcannia NSW Day Photo

John Gregory and Kevin Power noted a "saucer" about 16m up in the air. "It was about 6m in diameter, and its hull seemed to consist of a metal that looked like that 'satin finish' stainless steel that sinks are made of," said John. Kevin Power took a photograph of it, and then the object streaked away and was lost to sight in 3 seconds. Power wrote to the RAAF who sent an officer to investigate the sighting. This officer allegedly confiscated the picture leaving Power with one print. Power has been unable to locate this print. (Australian Flying Saucer Review Vol 5 Jul 1966, taken from the "Barrier Truth" Broken Hill 9/6/66).

024 Ca. 1954 Bankstown NSW CE3

Two people were working late at the airport, just after dark, when they observed what appeared to be a flying saucer hovering over the control tower. There were "portholes" around it and shapes inside that seemed to be moving around. There was a humming sound. It appeared to change colours then shot up into the air at great speed. (UFO Research New South Wales. (UFORNSW).)

032 31 Aug 1954 Goulburn NSW NL

Lt O'Farrell was flying a Sea Fury fighter aircraft at 5000 metres, at a speed of 220 knots. Two bright lights approached the plane and flashed past him "spinning at fantastic speed." It is reported that both the plane and ground radar picked up the objects. (1.Dept of Defence files. 2.Chalker, W. (1982). APRO Bulletin 30(10):7.) 049 Aug 1960 Belmont NSW CE3 0130hrs Aldridge

Awoken by a buzzing noise, a woman looked outside her house and saw a bright light coming from a round object. She then noted an entity, 1-1.2m tall, of average build, of normal humanoid appearance, wearing a dull olive-green skin tight suit with a helmet and white/grey footwear, approaching the house, looking at the ground. When he was some 3m away from her, she went off to get her son. However, when they both returned nothing unusual was to be found. ("Australian UFO Review"(NSW) (AUFOR). No 10. Dec 69. p31.)

051 15 Mar 1961 Bowna NSW CE3 2045hrs Reynolds

Mr. F. Reynolds and his son were camping and saw an unusual sight by a river. It appeared to be a large "caravan" with four windows and a red light nearby. About four "persons" were moving between a "fire" and "van." Looking through binoculars they noted the whole van and fire seemed to move sideways in a jerking manner. He looked out again later but there was nothing visible. An inspection of the area revealed a mud flat without any traces. (1. Peter Thomas. 2. Australian Flying Saucer Review (AFSR). No 5. Jul 1961.)

067 Ca 1965 Sydney NSW CE3

A strange pink cloud was reported. She then saw a snow white flying saucer. A shiny ladder was lowered from a hatchway and a man came down and sat on a rung of the ladder. He shone a beam of light into the sea.. The ladder and man were retracted and the object sped off. ("Australasian Post." 1965.)

073 19 Jul 1965 Vaucluse Beach NSW CE1 1730hrs Crowe

Walking along a beach a man encountered a 7m diameter disc resting on the sand, He was about 16m from it when it rose with a noise like air being forcible released from a balloon. After a take off run of some 16m the object climbed rapidly towards Manly. It was watched in flight for ten seconds before it disappeared into cloud. The witness, Mr Crowe said that while the object was stationary nearby dogs were barking but after it took off they were silent. ("Telegraph" Sydney Jul 21 1965. AFSD Jul-Sep 1965. p28. FSOA pp12-14. NICAP "The UFO Investigator" 3/4/6.)

075 16 Aug 1965 Manly NSW Photo 1900hrs

A professional photographer Mr F Burke of the "Sun-Herald" newspaper took 2 shots of an object that hovered briefly over Manly, Sydney. Using 35mm black and white Tri x film, f = 1.4 and t = 1/2 sec. The shot reproduced in source 1 shows the lights of Sydney and a blob in the top left hand side which could be anything at all. (1.FSOA p 14. UFOSH p50. Aust FS Review No 9 UFOIC p43 (pic).)

076 1966 Forster NSW CE3 2130hrs Bishenden A Mr Bishenden reported that he and a friend went for a drive on a hot night. At one stage they saw a circular shaped object in a clearing in a paddock. A red, pulsing light came from rectangular windows. A 240cm tall luminous entity was seen. This had a conical head and had its right hand on its hip. When this entity approached the witnesses then left. (PUFORG Newsletter. Dec 1982)

077 Early 1966 Culcairn NSW "Nests" (35:40, 147:02)

A number of circular "nests" were found during a 2 month period from Feb to Mar 1966. One was 3.65m across and about six were 1.5-1.8m in diameter. First reported by a Mr A Boswell. ("Sun" 6/4/66. Melbourne "Age" 6/4/66. UFOSH p 81.)

082 14 Feb 1966 Bankstown NSW FSA (33:53, 151:13)

An almost symmetrical 5.9m diameter circle of reeds was found to have been swirled (not broken) in a clockwise direction in a swamp. No access tracks or exits were noted. When it was found a pungent chemical smell was noted in the air. The find was not reported for 10 days. (AFSR NSW No 9 p22 (photo).

090 22 May 1966 Corndale NSW FA (?)

An oval shaped depression about 25cm deep and 7m by 5m was found in grass on a property. The grass was neatly flattened with no evidence of burning. No tracks led in or out. A young girl had seen an unusual object in the sky, in the direction of the site, during the night preceding the discovery. She described it as "round and red and glowing and had spikes sticking out of it. It was smoking too." Adult witnesses also came forward confirming something unusual was seen that night. (AFSR NSW NO 9 pp44. Photo. "The Northern Star" (Lismore) May 1966. Personal communication to Bill Chalker.)

107 1968 Smithfield NSW CE3

A twenty one year old woman walking home across a small park saw an object about 100 metres away. It was moving at low speed. Arriving home she got out a telescope and saw it as a disc with a square window on the top portion. In this window she watched a black figure with arms outstretched, silhouetted by yellow light. (UFORNSW NA72036.)

112 10 May 1968 Cooge Beach NSW Photo 1700hrs

A rocket like object is reported to have risen up out of the water, rotated 360 degrees, inclined and then shot off towards the north according to the photographer. One shot was taken with panchromatic film at 1/250th second. It shows a blurred rocket like shape with no surrounding ground or sky features. (APIC Bulletin No 4).

119 28 Dec 1968 Goulburn NSW CE3

A craft, 12m in diameter and 3m high was seen by a man. He approached the craft and saw a being about 1.67m tall, with long hair and youngish features, wearing silver coloured clothes. The man spoke to the being for three minutes, and the being responded in English. The being indicated he came from Saturn. After a while the object left. ("Sun Herald" Jan 26 1969.)

120 1968 or 1969 Walcha NSW CE3

Two girls went out to see why the family dog was barking. They rushed into the house in a frightened state saying they had seen a small man walking out the side gate. The whole family went outside and then saw a large red circular object hovering over the front gate. After five minutes it moved away. (Bill Chalker.)

121 Ca 1969 Near Penrith NSW CE3 Squire

John Squire, said he and some friends noticed a huge ball of fire, appear in a paddock, about 100m away. Suddenly the fire went out and a row of lights flickered on-and they saw a huge disc. Windows were evident and through them human shaped beings could be seen moving about. After five minutes the object rose and left. (Psychic Australian Sep 1976.)

126 Jan/Feb 1969 Tuckurimba NSW ? (?)

A Mr and Mrs H G McCaughey found a charred, 4.9m diameter circle in a grass paddock. Originally the circle appeared to be blackened by "intense heat." (Bill Chalker.)

131 19 Feb 1969 Omagh Road NSW DR (?)

A 6m circular area was found inside a 6m wide cattle corridor enclosed at both ends by water troughs. There was a 30cm wide circular band which seemed scorched, with 4 distinct squares of 45cm sides. ("Northern Star" Lismore 27/2/69.)

135 22 Feb 1969 Afterlea NSW FA (?)

A Mr B O'Neil found an impression in a swamp. Elliptical in shape 9m by 3.6m with reeds flattened and entangled, it wasn't scorched. From the impression, 4 flattened tracks led out with small half moon depressions at the end. ("Northern Star" Lismore 27/2/69.)

136 22 Feb 1969 Grafton NSW ? (29:41, 152:56)

A "burnt" circle covered with 'ash' was found on the morning after a sighting. Examination of samples by the Dept of Agriculture indicated the circle was suffering from leaf smut. ("Daily Examiner" Grafton 25/2/69.)

138 23 Feb 1969 Tumbulgum NSW SL (28:17, 153:28)

A perfect 3.6m diameter circle appeared on a lawn. It was marked by grey black soot, and footprints led away from it. The sooty substance was also on the leaves of plants. The footprints led to a rose bush, a pear tree and then disappeared. Slime mould? ("Northern Star" Lismore 27/2/69. UFOSH p121 date incorrect.)

142 Apr 1969 Swan creek NSW FA (?)

A series of deep depressions were found in the centre of some flattened saccaline crop on the north-west side of a road. ("Daily Examiner" Grafton 24/4/69.)

143 4 Apr 1969 Bungawalban NSW ? (?)

A saucer shaped ring was found on the property of a Mr K Reed. (UFOIC.)

144 17 Apr 1969 Bungawalban NSW FA (?)

4 flattened areas in a saccaline crop were discovered. The largest was 18 by 4.5m. All the stalks of the 4.3m tall crop lay in a North to south direction. There were no indications of footprints or tracks and the night previous had been quiet and still. Two men working the night shift on a flood mitigation dredge, about 400m north of the site, near a main road, observed a glow in the sky in the direction of the saccaline patch, on the night of April 16th. A neighbouring farmer had also observed "top-like objects" hovering (or moving about) in the area, on a number of nights prior to the discovery of the impressions. ("Daily Examiner" Grafton 19,21 and 22/4/69. Personal Com to Bill Chalker, and from G Tesla.)

145 20 Apr 1969 Harwood Island NSW CE1 1930hrs

Sugar cane rustled as a UFO arrived and departed. During the sighting the object hovered 3m above the cane. The witness was certain that there was some flattening of the crop, but did not attempt to verify this. (Bill Chalker.)

147 24 Apr 1969 Greenacre NSW CE3 1930hrs Froml

A woman, her young daughter and a taxi driver, reported seeing three tall humanoids in a football shaped object which hovered over a floodlit field. The taxi driver then drove the vehicle away. (David Reneke.UFORNSW Newsletter No 31. Jun/Jul 1971.)

149 12 May 1969 Casino NSW CE2/Luminous (28:52, 153:03)

After a sighting lasting 10-15 minutes of a low level UFO in heavy rain, the witness verified a faint luminous patch was visible for over 1/2 hour after the object had left. Next morning no traces or marks were evident. (UFOIC. "Northern Star" Lismore 15/5/69. ACOS Bulletin 10 p 20.)

150 19 May 1969 Steven's Weir NSW Photo 0400hrs

A profesional Deniliquin photographer, Geoff Allan, said he took 13 pictures of a UFO. He used a 35mm camera with 210 telephoto lens to take snaps between 4 am and 8.15 am. It was silvery white in colour and brighter than anything else in the sky. (UFOIC.)

157 31 Aug 1969 Northern NSW DD

A RAAF Canberra bomber chased an object reportedly seen by hundreds of people on the ground. The object was described as an "aluminium zeppelin." It was said to have been seen for three hours. (1. RAAF files. 2. UFO Investigation Centre Newsletter. 1969. No. 26.)

162 Sep/Oct 1970 Sydney NSW CE4

One night a man noticed a red/orange glow in the bush close to his home. He took his dog and went to investigate. Getting closer to it he saw a glow illuminating the area. His dog became excited and dashed into the bush. There next appears to be a discontinuity in his physical and emotional reactions-an apparent period of "missing time". He next recalled seeing an owl fly past him and he could hear his own internal thought: "There's something I should remember." Strangely, he felt comfortable with this, lost interest in the glow and went home. Regression in August and September 1992 uncovered that a typical abduction event occurred. Additional childhood contacts also emerged. (UFORA91036. Keith Basterfield, Julia Elsbeth and Peter Jones.)

166 Jun 1970 Emerald beach NSW ? (30:10, 153:11)

At about 0045, one night during June, a truckdriver, travelling from Coffs Harbour to Grafton, saw a bright light on the ocean side of the highway in the area of Emerald Beach. He observed the apparent source of the light as a circular object which rose from behind timber, some 450m from the road. It rose for a few seconds, then hovered for about half a minute at an estimated altitude of 18m. Relative to the trees the UFO appeared to be about 9m in diameter, and what appeared to be flames were noticed along the bottom of the object. The object then slowly returned to the ground. The object was partly obscured by timber "while on (the) ground but still had light rays going up at an angle from top and sides." The object was still on the ground when fear of the unknown forced the truck driver to leave the area. The driver was able to provide 3 clear and widely spaced angles of view enabling triangulation to locate the site. 6 circles of stunted grass and fern growth with 2 of about 9.1m diameter were found. Analysis showed that there were little physical differences in the sandy loam, and u/v spectroscopy revealed no difference in chemical composition of the grass. The others were 6.4m, 2 at 4.6m, and 1 at 4.1m The area also had a number of burnt and dead trees. (Bill Chalker. ACOSB No 9 p21.)

170 1971 Near Warragamba Dam NSW CE3

A hiker was woken from sleep by a loud humming. In a clearing he saw an egg shaped structure, glowing with white light. Dark, man-like figures were moving about the object. The figures disappeared into the object, the glow died down and the object left. (Rex Gilroy.)

181 1972 Camden NSW SL (34:03, 150:42)

Late in 1972, a 3 year old child saw a lighted "boat" above her house at about 3 a.m. Next morning her father noticed a dark patch of grass on the lawn in front of their house-about 1.8-2.4m in diameter. The child described her observation as "a big boat had been on the roof. It had a big light and went fast." Dr Stevens pointed out that the "grey powder" found at the site was not a slime mould and has never been identified as a natural phenomenon. (Dr Geoff Stevens case report: "Camden "grey powder" case" dated 19/3/75. UFOIC NL NO 43, Apr/May 75.)

183 1972 Katoomba NSW ? (33:43, 150:19)

At about 8 p.m. a Mrs Eddellbuttel observed an orange light moving above nearby trees, on their property-the Eddellbuttel piggery-situated on the Great Western Highway, just West of the famous Explorers Tree landmark and near cliffs overlooking the Megalong Valley in the blue Mountains. The light appeared to descend among the trees behind some pig sheds. Mrs Eddellbuttel drew the attention of other family members to the light. Her brother got closer and saw that the light emanated from a saucer shaped object of considerable size. Passing motorists also apparently saw the light. By the time Police arrived the UFO had departed. Other witnesses came forward. One of these was a farmer in the Megalong Valley directly below the cliffs beyond which the piggerystands. The farmer descried how he saw a large, dark object descend slowly into the valley to land in a deserted field some distance from the house. It remained on the ground for some 10 minutes. The object was described as being about 9m across and apparently silent. After 10 minutes it rose in silence, gained speed and disappeared into the darkness. At the landing site, no grass would grow in a circular depression.An"explanation" put forward was that a malfunctioning helicopter had landed for repairs. (Rex Gilroy. Bill Chalker interviewed the Eddelbuttels years later. While confirming their experience they were unaware of the UFO landing trace in the valley below their property.)

184 4 Feb 1972 Tooraweenah NSW DR (31;26, 148:55)

A doughnut circle of brown grass 1m wide and 3m across was verified by a person after a UFO observation. At almost 90 degrees to the direction of "take off" was another circle 1m wide which cut into the first circle forming a figure eight. (UFOIC.)

187 4 Jun 1972 Bent's Basin NSW CE3 1800hrs

Six young people encountered an object on a hill near their vehicle, and after driving along a while they heard thumping noises on the roof. Following this the car's engine caught fire. Later a huge "shadow" of a human like form approached them. It appeared to be a 3m tall "robot", which then vanished. Walking back past the hill where the object had been, they noted nothing unusual this time. (1. Bill Chalker. 2. UFORNSW Newsletter 45. Sep-Oct 1975.)

196 14 Sep 1972 Bateau Bay NSW Photo 1630hrs

A red arrow shaped light was seen moving across the sky by a man who decided to take a picture of it. When the photo returned a dark object could be seen behind the red arrow. Upon enlargement, a domed shaped object was revealed with a central raised portion. The RAAF investigated the case and in their annual report of 1972 an analysis said that it was a "possible hoax". (Harry Griesberg ACUFOS. RAAF annual report summary 1972.)

197 15 Sep 72 Burbong NSW DR (35:26, 149:19)

A lady heard a noise like a spinning wheel and found an area 6m in diameter with a scorched rim a metre wide. (CUFOS trace cat.)

199 5 Oct 72 Wellington NSW FA (32:33, 148:57)

3.65m high grass was flattened in a circular area with a radius of 4.6m. ("Daily Telegraph" 7/10/72)

203 1973 Springwood, NSW CE4

One night two men were asleep in a caravan on a remote building site, when one was woken by a blue light projecting from a hovering aerial disc. A time lapse occurred of some two hours. He felt that some "beings-Caucasian types", were somehow involved. (UFO Investigation Centre, Sydney. Anecdotal investigation by David Buching, Sep 1975.)

206 Feb 1973 Temora NSW DR (34:27, 147:32)

Three identical "burnt off" patches, each 5.1m diameter were discovered in otherwise lush paddocks. The first was observed about 12 months previously and the latest about early February. The latest one found had a 45cm section running around the circle which was completely bare, and inside, the clover runners had been flattened. ("The Temora Independent" 28/3/73.)

207 Feb 1973 Norah Head NSW CE2 0045hrs

A man and a woman were in a vehicle near a kiosk, in light rain, when they noticed a street light dimming on and off before fading out to a faint glow. They then saw a bright golden coloured ball rise up behind trees and hover in the air. After a few minutes it went from gold to orange to deep red. The couple decided to get closer but found their car engine wouldn't start. The only response was the headlights which came on very dimly. The object eventually left to the south-west after which the street light came to normal brilliance, and the car engine started first time. (UFOIC Newsletter. 1976. No 48.)

209 6 Feb 1973 Barraba NSW DR (30:23, 150:36)

A Mr and Mrs Carter discovered a 7.6m wide circle with a 45cm band, in high green grass. No indentations or scorch marks were found. (UFOIC.)

214 10 Mar 1973 Bingara NSW DR (29:52, 150:34)

A grazier found a 7.6m circle with a 5 cm band, on his property. (UFOIC.)

216 30 Apr 1973 Kempsey NSW CE2

Four people were out driving when one said she saw an egg shaped object drop out of the sky in the south-east and disappear behind trees, in a fraction of a second. 200m later they noted a distant glow in a paddock. They returned to the spot where the girl had seen the light, and as they arrived there it seemed that the car's headlights blacked out momentarily. All then saw the object apparently landed on open ground. It seemed domed shaped and reddish-orange in colour. After watching for five minutes they left the area. (Flying Saucer Review. (FSR). 21/6/4.)

217 Apr/May 1973 Katoomba NSW Photo

A couple reported seeing lights in the sky. UFOIC members visited them and photographed the lights with a 1200mm telephoto lens. Four yellow white lights appeared to be suspended above the ground. The shots merely show blobs of light. (UFOIC Apr/May 73 Newsletter.)

218 May 1973 Ganmain NSW ? (34:48, 147:02)

Certain marks were found on the ground after a UFO sighting. The object was circular and displayed yellow/orange lights. ("Junee Southern Cross" 6/6/73.)

225 3 June 1973 Old Junee NSW ? (34:50, 147:31)

A circular indentation was found, about 5m across. Close by were half a dozen "pod" marks of about 1m diameter spaced at a regular distance apart. ("Junee Southern Cross" 6/6/73.)

227 16 June 1973 Bostobrick NSW ? (152:37, 30:16)

A circular area was found in the same vicinity as a UFO sighting. Several groups of people independently saw a vertical elongated object with several "squarish" red lights around its base. Later that night one of the groups saw a yellow oval object "drop" out of the sky, apparently coming down in about the same area as the earlier display. The southern portion had large amounts of white surface powder. The NNE perimeter had a charred circular area some 1m diameter. A burnt limb was in close proximity to the ill defined mark. (Bill Chalker.)

230 21 Jun 1973 Tyringham NSW UFO/? (30:13, 152:32)

A UFO was observed hovering at ground level for a few minutes. An inspection of the area within 24 hours confirmed an apparent ground trace, greyish in colour and of thinner grass than outside the site. It seemed that the site was sufficiently ambiguous that analyses were thought not warranted. (Bill Chalker.)

231 Sep 1973 Willow Tree NSW BEC (31:39, 150:44)

Rings of bare rocky soil were located on a farm property. Diameters ranged from 6m to 11m. Identified as fungus. (UFOIC.)

236 25 Dec 1973 Wentworth Falls NSW ? (33:43, 150:22)

A low level UFO sighting was made and a ground trace was reported. "Leaf smut" was believed to be the cause for a circular area of grass covered with spherical charcoal like particles. (UFOIC.)

259 7 June 1974 Goulburn NSW UFO/? (34:45, 149:43)

After a complex and long duration sighting, an area 200m in diameter, all burnt, was verified by the witness immediately after a sighting. The surrounding ground was "wringing wet" and the grass long and lush, but the ring was smoking. The area was on a hill slope, separated from the main road. (UFOIC. CE3 catalogue by Bill Chalker, and Keith Basterfield, 1976.)

260 July 1974 Cowra NSW ? (33:50, 148:41)

A young man, driving at about midnight, was blinded by a blazing blue light, as he came over the crest of a hill. The light seemed to illuminate the entire countryside. The driver braked suddenly, fearing a collision. The next thing he remembered was seeing the light move away from his car to a point 100m away in an adjacent field, where it converged into a beam about 15m across and 30m high. The beam shone down onto the ground whereupon apparent contact the grass seemed to be burning. The display stayed there for about 2 minutes and then it disappeared. No trace of the phenomenon could be found. Next day the driver returned and confirmed the presence of an almost perfect circle of burnt grass about 15m in diameter.(The witness described his experience in an open line radio program. Direct confirmation was not possible in this provocative case. Files of Bill Chalker.)

266 Oct 1974 Maitland NSW NL/? (32:44, 151:34)

Some time after the observation of an object with two "light beams" which illuminated the ground, the reporter found two circular markings on his property below the hovering object. On examination the marks appeared to be fungus. (UFOIC NL 43, Apr/May 75.)

269 Dec 1974 Pullabooka NSW BEC (33:45, 147:46)

A 5.8m bare earth circle was found in a paddock of saffron thistles, which had been flattened in an anti-clockwise direction. Soil analysis revealed no cause. There were no signs of heat or radiation. Later discussion suggested it was caused by cattle. ("Sun Herald" 14/12/74. UFOIC.)

271 1974/75 Coola NSW CE4

Three men, out hunting, came across a large black object which was hovering over trees. One man ran towards the object and fired a shot at it. From the object emerged a number of circular, red objects which darted around. Their next recollection was of packing up their guns and going to sleep. Several years later one of the men, after watching "Close Encounters" the movie, recalled portions of the event, which included a portion of "missing time." (Mark Moravec.)

272 1975 Near Coffs Harbor NSW CE2

A woman, her daughter and a child in a car came across a lighted object on the road ahead. They slowed down and a group of some four to six entities with pointed heads and no discernible facial features, surrounded the car. A beam of light shone on the car. They drove away at speed. It is said that the woman received permanent damage to one of her eyes. (Bill Chalker.)

283 6 May 1975 Doughboy NSW DR (?) An almost perfect circle of dead grass was found with an inside diameter of 3.3m and an outside diameter of 4.6m. The circle soon deteriorated leaving bare earth. A log extended across part of the circle but appeared not to be affected, although a cowpad was completely flattened. ("The Daily Examiner" Grafton 14/5, 24/5, 6/6 & 10/6/75.)

289 21 Jul 1975 Kempsey NSW NL 2000hrs

Mr and Mrs W. were travelling across a bridge when they noted a large bright white light directly overhead, travelling in a westerly direction. It then appeared to stop in the distance. Mr W took some photos of it. The light changed colour yellow to red and then manoeuvred around before dropping directly downwards over the horizon. The photos verify the presence of a brilliant light source over the western horizon. Later analysis suggested the light photographed was in fact the planet Venus. (UFORNSW Newsletter 46. FSR 21/6/2(pics). UFORAN2/5.)

290 Late July 1975 Condoblin NSW Photo 1730hrs

A contract roofing crew noted a peculiar thick "black smoke " ring at 20 degrees south-east. It seemed that there was a black cylindrical shaped object moving around the circle in an anti-clockwise direction. Three colour prints were taken. A study of these suggested that the ring was slowly moving to the right. After having observed it for 20 minutes the black cylinder suddenly shot upwards and disappeared leaving the cloud behind, which itself rapidly disappeared. (UFOIC.)

298 1975/76 NSW 1800hrs CE3

Travelling home a man and his wife saw an approaching light. It became a large silver cigar with short stubby wings and a cabin. Inside this cabin were five entities in silver coloured suits. Green, red and blue instrument panels were seen. The witness reportedly filmed the object on movie film. However when the film came back from processing this piece was missing. (Bryan Dickeson & Moira McGhee.)

300 1976 Country NSW CE4

A 31 year old woman was vacuuming about noon one day when she felt ill. Suddenly 3 little beings justappeared in front of her. One being was some 1.5m tall, very slender with a very elongated face. The other 2 were much shorter, with chubby, broader faces. All 3 had large eyes, with a hint of a nose and mouth. Each wore shroud like cloaks. Telepathically the taller being spoke to her, to tell her she had to go with them. The woman refused. The next thing she recalls was her fiancee arriving home at 5.30 p.m. An hypnotic regression revealed little beyond that of the conscious memories. (Bill Chalker.)

309 22 Mar 1976 Nemingha NSW CE2 0545hrs

A couple stopped their car after noting a bright greenish-yellow light descend from the sky and envelope a car approaching from the opposite direction. The light then disappeared. The other car moved to the wrong side of the car, became enveloped in a thick ball of white haze and stopped. After about two minutes the white haze disappeared. A woman got out of the car and used a cloth to wipe the windscreen. The car lights were assumed to be out at this stage. After a few minutes she was about to get back in the car when the lights came back on. The cloth which had been used burst into flames. (Bill Chalker. APRO Bulletin 25/1/6 & 25/2/1&3.)

310 12 Apr 1976 Penrith NSW CE2/FA (33;45, 150:42)

A woman in bed heard a whistling noise and then saw a large black sphere, some 10m across. It approached and stopped by a fence. Witnesses thought it might collide with the house. It was intermittently observed moving up at speed, and apparently leaving in a zigzag motion at high speed. An area of long grass, 30m by 13.5m in a nearby paddock was swept in an outward direction, plus four plate sized marks were also noted. (UFOIC.and Bill Chalker personal investigation.)

311 24 May 1976 Robertson NSW ? (34;35, 150:35)

During the investigation of a UFO case, a trace was found. Close examination revealed that one species of grass was affected. The "scorched" appearance of the grass was similar to slime mould. This case was spuriously reported as having involved a UFO "crash." No credible evidence was apparent that supported these speculations. Prosaic explanations were found for the key elements of the affair. (UFOIC NL 47 Apr/May 76.)

316 Aug 1976 Heathcote Road NSW CE3 0340hrs

Claims were made by a motorist that they had seen a UFO land and disgorge a figure down a ramp. The figure then re-entered the object which took off vertically. (Bill Chalker on open line radio Dec 1977.)

322 17 Sep 1976 Wingen NSW CE2 0330hrs

A thirty two year old motor mechanic was directed to repair a vehicle which had broken down and was on the way to the scene in his own vehicle. Suddenly his car started to slow down and the lights went out. He pulled the car up and tried to restart the engine. No ignition, dash or headlights were operating. He noted the speedometer varying from 0-40km/hr even though the vehicle was stationary. He checked under the bonnet but found nothing amiss. He grabbed his torch, but it wouldn't work. It also wouldn't stick to the car even though it was magnetic. He fitted new batteries but it still didn't work. He then noticed a bright light on his left heading his way. It became brighter and after two minutes it was seen clearly as a roundish object only some 4m off the ground. It passed directly over his car and gave out a slight amount of heat. No sound or any distinguishing features were noted. Its speed was 40km/hr and it passed off into the distance. As he touched the fan belt the engine started itself. It just as quickly stopped. Then the headlights and radio came on by themselves. Finally he drove off with all systems operating. (UFO Research New South Wales. (UFORNSW). )

325 5 Oct 1976 Rankins Springs NSW CE2 1840hrs

A credit manager, aged twenty six, was returning home from a trip with a friend and his younger daughter. Approaching a rise in the road he saw an object in the sky low down and stationary. It then travelled in a south-east to north-west direction at about forty five degrees to the horizon. It had the appearance of a flattened disc, swollen at the front with "portholes." The car radio had been on all the time but upon the object's appearance it had ceased to operate. (UFORNSW.)

326 23 Oct 1976 Benboyd NSW Photo 1600hrs

Three young men were on a cliff top, preparing cameras to photograph a solar eclipse. They then saw a group of strange objects hovering above the ocean. A movie camera was used to film. A still camera was used to photo the closest object, which appeared "bell shaped". All three then stopped filming as the eclipse started. Looking back to the area where the objects had been nothing was seen. The still photos were examined by computer enhancement. No conventional explanation has ever been uncovered for the objects. (UFOIC.)

333 Apr/May 1977 Ingleburn NSW CE1 2100hrs Lyons

Driving alone, a man saw a brilliant light source. It approached, and within five seconds it was directly overhead. At its closest, thirty metres above the car, he saw the light emanated from two bright, round windows. There was no sound. He was travelling at an estimated 80km/hr and the light seemed to keep pace with his vehicle for about three to four seconds,, after which it left towards the west and disappeared within five seconds. (UFORNSW.)

338 26 May 1977 Orange NSW ? (33:17, 149:06)Hervey

An orange sphere with windows, possibly resting on the ground, was seen by a boy and his mother. Physical traces were found which consisted of four small, cleared patches arranged in a trapezoid. The grasses and thistles within the area were not affected in any obvious way. Upon analysis it was found that any ionising radiation would have resulted in the ground receiving less than 100 rads and that any heating involved in forming the cleared patches would have had to have been below 205 degrees C. (UFOIC and personal investigation by Bill Chalker with Anne Brown (now Chalker) and Dr Geoff Stevens. See UFO Newsletter No 52 (UFOR(NSW)-now UFOIC), Nov 1977.)

339 June 1977 Oberon NSW ? (33:42, 149:51)

Three men illegally fishing in a boat, one night, were 3.2km up river from the Oberon Dam near a peninsula called Crows Peak. A dark shape was initially seen on the shore. 5 minutes later, something started to come around the bend of the river. It turned out to be an undefinable shape some 3.6-4.6m wide, with a blue glow, 3-4.6m above the water surface. The phenomenon was silent. It crossed onto the peninsula and went out of sight. Next day all the grass and low hanging branches across the peninsular area where the phenomenon had passed appeared to have been "burnt" or browned off. Even weed under the water to a depth of 15-20cm was also browned off. (See UFO Newsletter No 52 (UFOR(NSW)-now UFOIC, Nov 1977.)

358 1978-1982 NSW CE4

A Sydney woman woke up feeling agitated and heard a voice. Figures appeared and said to come with them. She went through a doorway into a room where she was shown a scene on a screen. This screen showed pictures of her then, future life, which later came true. (Bill Chalker.)

359 Jan 1978 Armidale NSW CE1 0400hrs Price

A twenty five year old man encountered two aerial lights, 10-12m up, a short distance away, followed by a huge elongated object with portholes, hovering over the ground. Photographs were taken by the witness but only showed a blurred yellow shape. Looking again all he saw was a mist which encircled him, and from which he heard a humming sound. The mist then disappeared leaving him alone. (UFORNSW.)

360 10 Jan 1978 Bakers Creek Falls, NSW NL/photo

Garry P. had been driving along alone in the early hours of the morning when he found himself unaccountably stationary on the side of the road at 5 a.m. He was unable to clearly remember the previous 160km. Whilst stationary he noted a really bright light hovering some distance away. Although he tried to get close to it he could not. (Bill Chalker.)

384 Sep 1979 Jindabyne NSW CE4

Two young men, out hunting, reported seeing a bright white, spherical, light on the ground some little distance away. Next night it was seen again. In 1983 one of the men began recalling memories of a two hour time lapse on one of those nights. He consciously recalled that they were both surrounded by a blue light as they went near the object. They were floated through a hatch into a grey coloured, rectangular room in the UFO. After being put on two "benches" they were examined by several tall beings. The beings were hairless, grey, and had grey bulges where we have eyes. Slit like mouths and flat noses, with no ears were described. During the examination, and without tearing their clothes, the beings connected "wires" to the men. The reporting man, felt "used" as if a specimen. They were then returned to the original spot where they had been. (Moravec, M. (1984). "The Jindabyne Abduction." UFORAN 5(5):6-10. Bill Chalker-retrospective investigation.)

401 17 Oct 1981 NSW 0200hrs NL/RV

An air cargo L188 (Electra) aircraft was enroute to Brisbane from Sydney. The crew noted two targets on their radar. These were estimated to be forty nautical miles north-west of the plane. Sydney air traffic control confirmed the targets and advised there was no known traffic in the area. Near Newcastle the targets vanished from the aircraft's radar. The total duration was fifteen minutes. (UFORFNQ.)

415 15 Mar 1985 Cherrybrook NSW CE3 2330hrs

Two teenagers stated that a large object rose over trees, then descended. Their car was illuminated by torch beams. Beings with long arms started to walk towards them. The teenagers left at speed. (1. UFORNSW NA85002. 2. "Daily Telegraph" Mar 20 1985.)

433 22 Sep 1988 Walcha NSW CE2 1930hrs

Loss of power occurred to a car being driven by a man. This loss persisted for ten minutes then full power returned. Moments before the loss he had sighted a bright red/orange light directly ahead of the vehicle. On the return journey at the same spot the same thing occurred. During this second time though, the air temperature inside the car dropped from normal to chilly.(Bryan Dickeson & Moira McGhee.)

438 5 Jun 1989 Dorrigo NSW RV

Two pilots tracked an object travelling at 4000km/hr on an aircraft's weather radar. The jet cargo aircraft crew noted a big return on the radar screen. Over a period of four minutes it travelled from sixty nautical miles ahead to off the screen in a straight line track. (Bill Chalker.)

445 1990 Sydney NSW CE4

A woman has repeated recollections of a "dream" where she sees herself lying in bed with some "little" people near her. This dream first occurred in childhood. (UFORA90048. Bill Chalker.)

446 Jan 1990 Sydney NSW CE4

A woman in her 20's living in a semi-rural area describes a possible period of missing time, and gynaecological problems arising from an incident on 17th Jan 1990. (Bill Chalker.)

455 19 May 1991 Young NSW CE1 1400hrs

A 16 year old youth reported seeing an object only 20m away and 1m off the ground. He first took it to be a small car but it had no wheels. It was green in colour and had a roof like a car but no glass. There were no wings and it was shaking from side to side so quickly that it seemed blurred at the edges. It seemed to have a 1m long green light which made the object glow. After 20 seconds it just went straight up into the air. As it went higher it changed to a silver colour. (Bill Chalker.)

459 21 Nov 1991 Holgate NSW Photo 2145hrs

Two adults noted two yellow/white lights, 30 degrees elevation in the north-west sky, travelling south. A third light was seen to rise above the northern horizon to 20 degrees elevation, then set again. This was repeated once more, to 15 degrees. The man fetched his binoculars and looked at the soundless, travelling lights. He then took two time exposure photos which confirmed a moving light source. The lights disappeared out of sight behind trees. (Harry Griesberg.)

462 12 Dec 1991 Werris Creek NSW CE2 0100hrs

During intermittent sleeting rain, a woman observed a strange light near Duri. After passing through Currabubula, she reports that the lights apparently passed over the car, a strange sound was heard, and there were two brief episodes of loss of power and lights with the car. (Bill Chalker/UFOIC.)

465 29 Jan 1992 Bankstown NSW CE2 0200hrs

A student saw an object at close range-some 100m. It was rectangular in shape, 5m thick and had a metallic glassy reflection. There were blue/yellow lights on the bottom and green lights on the side. Trees were swaying significantly during the event. There was static on the TV. Street lights were said to have gone out at the time, coming on 20 minutes later. The student's father and brother witnessed the end of the event when the object went straight up. (Bill Chalker/UFOIC.)

466 5 Apr 1992 Near Agnes Banks NSW FSA (?)

A flattened, slightly "starburst" "circle" in grass was found, nearly 4m across, shaped like a light bulb in section. There were other less distinct effects in the long grass nearby. Although there was evidence of separate toadstools fruiting in a "fairy ring", the site in question was quite different. It is felt that it may have been the result of wind vortices or a similar phenomenon. (Personal investigation Bill Chalker.)

475 15 Nov 1994 Coonabarabran, NSW CE1

A large light source was seen hovering over a road. An approaching car seemed to cause it to move off and come close to a farmhouse where it was seen by 4 people. They described it as diamond shape with lights around the edges, and window like structures. There was a bright yellow light emerging from it. At closest it seemed to come to within 300m away at tree top height, and was silent. It passed along side the farmhouse and then left at speed with a high pitched engine noise audible at this point. (UFOIC.)

477 Sydney NSW CE4

A 29 year old woman observed UFOs and has knowledge of a period of "missing time." She also has experienced dreams of aliens with big bald heads, examining her pelvic area. In addition she recalls a dream of an alien putting a computer-like device into her brain. (Bill Chalker March 1991.)

Copyright © 1996 remains with the Researcher / 's named to be associated with each report.

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